Who are The Bupkes?

The Bupkes is a new magazine by nobody that sometimes says something about very little but most of the time says nothing about everything.

Some of these things may include, but are not limited to

  • the doom loop of liberal politics;

  • our collective climate demise — coming to a reality near you!

  • … unless the unstoppable labyrinth of technofeudal tubes gets us first;

  • weltschmerz in the age of exploding pagers;

  • the slinkification of history;

  • everyone’s favorite möchtegern superpower and the depths abyss of its Teutonic Imaginary;

  • European values™;

  • the unending end times of American Empire;

  • media and their discontents;

  • basic human decency;

  • a good sandwich.

Jibe ho! Here comes a masthead.

Secretary-general of words: Noach Gɫuchowicz

Queen of style: Rahel Levin II

Do you want to join us on our voyage into nothingness? The Bupkes welcomes submissions. So get in touch! Because there is no “i” in bupkes — unless you anglicize it differently.

Why not throw us some shekels? Almost all of it goes to Substack and Stripe, and then 100% of what’s left pays our contributors.